The average Irish adult uses about 150 litres of water per day at home. 150 litres per person equals about 600 litres for a household of four persons, or about 220,000 litres each year. Ok, that’s average! What can we do? As architects we can ensure that new developments or renovations use taps and…
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Low energy building.
Low Energy house record of temperatures. Attached is a temperature chart relating to a low energy house, the front of the property is North facing, therefore subject to lower temperatures. Temperatures in this building were recorded over a period of two years and the attached is a sample dating from 1st March 2011 to 3rd…
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Project Management
Project management has developed over the years into a particular skill of itself with specific tools used to promote success. Of old, architects, engineers and master craftsmen would have acted as project managers though with no distinct separation of title. Henry Gantt and Karol Adamiecki have been credited with the initial development of project management…
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Building Control Regulations
The ‘Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014’ S.I. No. 9 of 2014 came into effect on 1st March 2014. The effects of this are wide reaching in that the responsibilities of parties to any development have become highly defined and legally binding. The onus on clients or building owners to appoint competent and qualified persons as…
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